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Pietro BlaXimoff
I came up with this idea way back in 2012! So, maybe it's time to flesh it out, right?

Shadowulf1 wrote
AlphaBada** is based in a group of lands where things are divided into alphabetical order (duh). Their lands are composed of only things starting with their land's letter. Within each nation, one arises with a power that starts with their nation's letter; it changes for each cycle (ex: P= Pyrokinesis, Psychokinesis, Petrifaction, etc). These beings are meant to keep balance and fight against the forces of whatever evils arise in their respective lands. However, should a great-enough threat arise, they will have to band together to take them on as a team.

Which is where the Ignoramians come in. They despise all logic and cognitive thought. Having taken over the Numerical Lands, they now seek to set their sights on the Alphabetical Lands. They communicate in a completely nonsensical language only they can understand and what others perceive as logical, makes their brains hurt. They will stop at nothing until the intellectual threat is diminished and, at last, extinguished.
Though, frankly, this seems quite boring and simple. Instead, I think I'll try something a bit more distinguished. But first, the basics.

There are 26 states in the country of Abbecedaire. There are a number of deities associated w/ the land, and each patron deity gifts their respective domain with its own power. Though, this power may only be practiced by certain special members of a given society.

Aiasthaiya (aye-uh-STHIGH-uh) = Agendered deity of the letter A

Bobbszububb (BOB-zoo-bub) = Bi-Gendered deity of the letter B

Characcac (Kuh-RACK-ack) = Cat-like goddess of the letter C

Deiyudda (Die-YOU-duh) = Dual-faced god of the letter D

Eenemeene (Ee-knee-mean)= Easygoing goddess of the letter E

Faffe (Faff) = Fluffy-haired god of the letter F

Gaigga (GUY-guh)= Gluttonous god of the letter G

Hehthshthai (Heth-shh-thigh)= Honorable deity of the letter H

Iyiin (Eye-een)= Indigo goddess of the letter I

Jajj (Jodge)= Jocular god of the letter J

Kikkakuk (Kuh-kaw-cook)= Keen-eyed god of the letter K

Lilliuolallali (Lily-oo-oh-la-LA-lee)= Luscious goddess of the letter L

Mumm = Matronly goddess of the letter M

Non (known)= Non-nonsense god of the letter N

Ohouyao (Oh-hoo-yao)= Obstinent god of the letter O

Papa Pippinpopo= Prodigious god of the letter P

Qi (Kee), Quay, Quo, Qu (Koo) & Quid= Quintuple-minded deity of the letter Q

Rarrandra (Rare-and-ruh)= Rugged red-haired goddess of the letter R

Sister Syssias (Sis-see-us)= Seer goddess of the letter S

Tethattian (Teth-at-tee-en)= Teacher god of the letter T

Unuu (Oo-new)= Ugly god of the letter U

Vaivv (Vive)= Vibrant, vivacious goddess of the letter V

Wawyiiuw (Wah-wee-you)= Wise god of the letter W

Xaixhoanxi (Zye-hwan-she)= Xenophobic god of the letter X

Yoyallay (Yo-yah-lie)= Yakking yenta goddess of the letter Y

Zizz (Zeez)= Zen god of the letter Z

The lands are named for their respective deities (w/ the quintuple god's land simply being named Quon).

Whichever deity is your patron, bestows you power, which is expressed by a certain word. Worship of the deity is not required, since your lineage makes you predisposed to be favored by a given letter-god. However, worship is optional--if you worship your chosen deity, the word you gain at a given power-up level is chosen by your god of choice (ie chosen by the DM). If you do not worship the chosen god, then you may choose your own word.
“…Judge not what a man has done, but judge what he could have done if he was a different bloke altogether. For art thou a leper? And a leper can changeth his spots…”   --Rudy Wade, Misfits (Series 4, Episode 8)
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Re: AlphaBadass

Pietro BlaXimoff
Your obstacles abound:

The Grammar Police- An elite (lol) force of officers, deputies and detectives that seek out users of unlawful word magic (ie your word magic, since you don't work for the ruler of Abbecedaire).

Proofreaders: Specialized word mages, employed by the government to track unlawful word magic use.

Spelling Bees: A species of killer bees attracted to word magic (Sting can temporatily prevent reuse of the last word that was cast).

Thesaurus- A dragon whose fiery eldritch breath...changes its victims.

Crosswords: Savage word-magic users in the wilderness.

Lingo the Lugubrious- Wielder of L Magic; vehemently jealous enemy of other word mages, who might surmount his power. Not necessarily deadly, but certainly distrusting...and dangerous.

Slang, the Slayer of Syntax: Wielder of S Magic: wordsmith; lends his powers as a mercenary--um, a 'sellsword'.

Rhythm & Rhyme- twin Wielders of R Magic: Rhythm is a lyricist, Rhyme is an orator; rhapsodic rogues.

The Sentencer- Part-time mercenary, part-time executioner; his power lies in punctuation...?

Among a host of other potential friends, foes, followers and foils to encounter. Pulling a number of strings behind the scenes--the malevolent, machiavellian ruler of Abbecedaire, the Writer of Wrongs.

There is said to be a book of arcane knowledge that the Writer has stolen from the gods of Abbecedaire--the Lexicon--which they have long been using in an attempt to expand their domain into every letter of the alphabet. The Writer will do everything in their power to learn its secrets, and wage Logomachy on all others who might have their similar magic potential.

Naturally, the Writer must be stopped, at any cost. Yet, are the mysteries held within the Lexicon to be trusted? Can they be used to set the land right, or will they tempt any seekers down a dark path?
“…Judge not what a man has done, but judge what he could have done if he was a different bloke altogether. For art thou a leper? And a leper can changeth his spots…”   --Rudy Wade, Misfits (Series 4, Episode 8)
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Re: AlphaBadass

Pietro BlaXimoff
As to your occupation, you may choose from the following:

Orator (Wizard?)
-Power is purely verbal (don't have to carry a talisman or totem--which can be lost or stolen--but if gagged, power is incapacitated)
-As power increases, gain a minor power boost for including the word  in alliteration--the longer it goes, while still making sense, the better!

Lyricist (Bard)
-Power is purely musical or poetic (must be sung, or spoken in verse)
-As power increases, abilities may also channel the totem word by others (the 'audience', ie allies, enemies, even passersby)

Scholar (Psychic?)
-Power via reading (seeing), writing, speaking, hearing
-Overuse of one mode of power channeling (ie writing) temporarily decreases power bestowed, potentially to the point of temporatily rendering it entirely unavailable

Wordsmith  (Warrior/Rogue)
-Power is derived from engraving one's chosen word onto a weapon/tool/item of choice (or a tattoo including/depicting the word)
-Extra power bestowed if the weapon of choice is also one's word of choice (significantly smaller if it, at least, starts w/ the same given letter)
-Power negated, if tattoo damaged; if item lost, power lost until item found (or a new one made/found)

Whisperer (Thief/Assassin/Spy)
-Power is derived via hearing, speaking, writing, reading (sight) or engraving (one mode of power channeling at a time)
-Power derived only as long as nobody knows what one's chosen word is (the letter may be known); if power word is revealed and spoken against you, it is negated for the given turn; if attacked with an item inscribed with one's word, that one power is permanently lost
-If a power is lost, may choose a new word (including stealing one from another user of the same letter)
“…Judge not what a man has done, but judge what he could have done if he was a different bloke altogether. For art thou a leper? And a leper can changeth his spots…”   --Rudy Wade, Misfits (Series 4, Episode 8)