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Legion of Super-Heroes!

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Legion of Super-Heroes!

Pietro BlaXimoff
1596 posts
This post was updated on Apr 27, 2024; 5:59am.


Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes (1977)
Legion of Super-Heroes (1980)
Secrets of the Legion of Super-Heroes (1981)
Legion of Super-Heroes (1984)
Tales of the Legion (1984)
Legion of Substitute Heroes Special (1985)
Legionnaires 3 (1986)
Legion of Super-Heroes (1989)
Legionnaires (1993)
Sovereign Seven Plus (Legion of Super-Heroes) (1997)
Legion: Secret Files (1998)
Legion: Science Police (1998)
Legion of Super-Heroes: Secret Files (1999)
Titans/Legion of Super-Heroes: Universe Ablaze (2000)
Legion Lost (2000)
Legion Worlds (2001)
The Legion (2001)
Superboy's Legion (2001)
Legion Secret Files (2004)
Teen Titans / Legion Special (2004)
Legion of Super-Heroes (2005)
Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes (2006)
The Legion of Super-Heroes in the 31st Century (2007)
Superman and the Legion of Super-Heroes (2008)
Final Crisis: Legion of Three Worlds (2008)
Legion of Super-Heroes (2010)
Legion of Super-Heroes (2011)
Legion Lost (2011)
Legion: Secret Origin (2011)
Legion of Super-Villains (2011)
Convergence Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes (2015)
Batman '66 Meets the Legion of Super-Heroes (2017)
Legion of Super-Heroes/Bugs Bunny Special (2017)
Legion of Super-Heroes: Millennium (2019) (COMPLETE)
Legion of Super-Heroes (2019) (COMPLETE)
Future State: Legion of Super-Heroes (2021) (COMPLETE)
Justice League vs. The Legion of Super-Heroes (2022)
“…Judge not what a man has done, but judge what he could have done if he was a different bloke altogether. For art thou a leper? And a leper can changeth his spots…”   --Rudy Wade, Misfits (Series 4, Episode 8)