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Pietro BlaXimoff
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Thor (1966)
Giant-Size Thor (1975)
Thor Corps (1993)
Thor: The Legend (1996)
Thor (1998)
Silver Surfer/Thor (1998)
Thor: Godstorm (2001)
Thor: Vikings (2003)
Thor: Son of Asgard (2004)
Thor: Blood Oath (2005)
What If? Thor (2006)
Thor: Rebirth (2007)
Thor (2007)
Thor: Ages of Thunder (2008)
Thor: Reign of Blood (2008)
Thor: Truth of History (2008)
Secret Invasion: Thor (2008)
Thor God-Size Special (2009)
Thor: Man of War (2009)
Thor: The Trial of Thor (2009)
Thor Annual (2009)
Thor: Tales of Asgard (2009)?
Wolverine vs Thor (2009)
Thor: The Rage of Thor (2010)
Thor: For Asgard (2010)
Giant-Size Finale (2010)
Thor: First Thunder (2010)
Thor the Mighty Avenger (2010)
Free Comic Book Day: Iron Man/Thor (2010)
Thor and the Warriors Four (2010)
World War Hulks: Spider-Man vs Thor (2010)
Ultimate Thor (2010)
Chaos War: Thor (2011)
Astonishing Thor (2011)
Mighty Thor (2011)
Thor: Asgard's Avenger (2011)
Thor: Wolves of the North (2011)
Thor: Heaven & Earth (2011)
Iron Man/Thor (2011)
Captain America & Thor: Avengers (2011)
Free Comic Book Day: Captain America/Thor - The Mighty Fighting Avengers (2011)
Avengers Origins: Thor (2012)
The Deviants Saga (2012)
Thor: God of Thunder (2012)
Thor: Season One (2013)
Thor: Crown of Fools (2013)
Thor (2014)
Thors (2015)
Mighty Thor (2016)
Unworthy Thor (2016) (COMPLETE)
Thor: Where Walk the Frost Giants (2017)
Halloween Comic Fest (2017)
Thor vs Hulk: Champions of the Universe (2017)
Generations: Unworthy Thor & Mighty Thor (2017)
Mighty Thor: At the Gates of Valhalla (2018)
Thor (2018)
What If? Thor (2018)
Thor: The Worthy (2019)
Marvel Tales: Thor (2019)
King Thor (2019)
Thor (2020)
Thor & Loki: Double Trouble (2021)
Hulk vs Thor: Banner of War (2022)
“…Judge not what a man has done, but judge what he could have done if he was a different bloke altogether. For art thou a leper? And a leper can changeth his spots…”   --Rudy Wade, Misfits (Series 4, Episode 8)